2000 , 2002 , 2003 two time first team all - nba team 1999 , 2001 2 参加2001年nba “全明星大赛” ,荣获“最有价值球员”称号
We are honored to have two nba teams and team china play two games in macao 奥兰多魔术队魔术队是nba的新军之一, 1989年加入nba 。
At this point , chances are some nba team will indeed play the chinese lottery 现在,一些nba球队很有可能在乐透区选择这名中国球员
Each nba team conducts a training camp in october to determine its 12 - player roster 每一个nba球队在10月都会进行营队训练,以决定12名队员名单。
The rockets spent two days , as much practice time as nba teams get , to repair the offense 火箭花了两天时间尽可能地改善进攻,任何球队所能做的都不过如此。
But a plain fact was revealed by lampe ' s drop : nba teams do not adjust well on draft night 但是,随着兰佩顺位的不断下跌,揭示了这样一个事实: nba球队们在选秀夜应变不足。
Sometimes mothers need to buy sports clothes , tennis shoes , white socks , and perhaps caps with names of nba teams 有时候妈妈们还要买运动服、网球鞋、白袜子,也许还要买标有nba球队名字的球帽呢!
But an nba team has never won a best - of - seven series after losing the first three games , so this was a victory they had to have 但还没有一支球队在前三场比赛都输掉的情况下翻盘,所以这场(第三场)胜仗是湖人必须拿下的。
The nba season is ebbs & flows and nba teams will take note of a bench that is effective and make adjustments as the season goes on 在夸梅-布朗受伤后,拜纳姆就成为了球队的先发中锋,同时我们还失去了夸梅-布朗给球队带来的帮助。
This year , i thought i ' d be extra generous and hand out presents to all those suffering nba teams that find themselves below . 500 this morning 今年,我将特别的慷慨,那些一大早醒来发现他们的胜率尚未过半的作孽的nba队伍,会收到我的大礼包。